Letter to the Hindu community leaders

Monday 08 July 2013 - 18:41:33
Dear Pundit,

We invite you to join us on July 20, 2013, to celebrate Swastika Rehabilitation Day worldwide.

This year's celebration will mark the 4th anniversary of Swastika Rehabilitation Day. Each year, the media show more interest and we are also receiving more and more support from people around the world. Our website www.proswastika.org currently gets thousands of visitors each month, and the list keeps growing!

We honor your understanding and use of the Swastika as a symbol of peace, harmony and luck in Hinduism. For Raelians, the Swastika is one of the best traces left by those who created us, and the attempt to bury it as a symbol of violence and hatred only gives additional attention and credit to the horrible Nazi ideology that hijacked it.

Therefore, we believe that demystifying the original meaning of this beautiful symbol is the only solution. This rehabilitation will be especially important in the United States, where although the U.S. Constitution allows for the freedom of religion, many people who revere the Swastika are afraid to display it. They fear being associated with the Nazis and thereby becoming targets of negative criticism and discrimination.

All who see the Swastika as a sacred and peaceful symbol, plus those who want to respect the views of those who do, are invited to participate in Swastika Rehabilitation Day. People and organizations of different faiths, ethnicities and cultures are thus coming together to restore the dignity of the Swastika and emphasize its original positive and accurate meaning.

Various public events will be held worldwide on July 20 to raise awareness about this important issue and educate the public. Many people in the West are unaware of the long and honorable history of the Swastika. We want to change that.

Planned events for July 20 include displays at public information booths and the flying of the Swastika banner over major cities. Last year, we received a lot of media and public attention through these actions.

Overall, support for this cause has been steadily increasing, and we believe that with your participation, we can truly help revive the original meaning of the Swastika, along with standing up for our religious rights.

Will you join us?

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, or comments.


Upendra Singh
Director ProSwastika Alliance and Raelian Guide
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